专业证件照 完美证件照 人物肖像 纪念照 商务拍照 老照片修复 公益拍照 照片洗印 证照知识






1.       衣着得体即可,无需一定有领,但领口不可过大,因背景为白色,着装为深色会好看.衣物胸口以上不要有闪亮的装饰物,及较大的商标图案.

2.       女士可化淡淡的生活装,不可过于浓艳.尤其是唇彩切忌过于艳红,这个平光照片中,过份的唇色并不好看.不着耳饰,胸饰.

3.       头发整齐干净,发髻顶端距发迹线约高2-3cm 为好.烫发者注意莫使头发过于蓬松.小女孩不要梳包包头,梳辫子以脑后单辫为好,不带头饰.

4.       不戴眼镜,不可戴美瞳类的可改变瞳孔大小和颜色的隐形眼镜.



如果被拍摄者为周岁以内婴孩,敬请提前预约,本店会安排专人专时拍摄.预约电话  022-23614241

Permanent Resident Card photos are not the same as passport photos.

·        You may wear non-tinted and tinted prescription glasses as long as your eyes are clearly visible. Make sure that your eyes are not hidden by glare on the lenses. Sunglasses are not acceptable.

·        A hairpiece or other cosmetic accessory is acceptable if it does not disguise your normal appearance and you wear the accessory on a regular basis.

·        The photos must clearly show your face. If you may not remove your head covering for religious reasons, make sure your full facial features are visible.

·        Photos must have been taken within the last 12 months to ensure an up-to-date likeness.

·        Photos may be either black and white or colour.

·        Your face must be square to the camera with a neutral expression, neither frowning nor smiling, and with your mouth closed.

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Photograph Specifications (PDF, size: 989 Kb)
You may print this and bring it with you to the photographer.

Notes to the photographer

The two photos must:

·        show a full front view of the person’s head showing full face centred in the middle of the photo;

·        be clear, well-defined and taken against a plain white background without shadows;

·        be produced from the same unretouched film or from the same file capturing the digital image or from two identical photos exposed simultaneously by a split-image or multi-lens camera;

·        be original photos (not taken from any existing photo);

·        New: measure between 31mm and 36 mm (1 1/4” and 1 7/16”) from chin to crown (top of hair);

·        have a 50mm x 70 mm (2″ x 2 3/4″) finished size;

·        be on photographic paper that has a backing which accepts and retains the date. Photos without this backing are not acceptable;

·        be on prints that are well-fixed and washed to prevent discolouration;

·        bear the date the photo was taken (not the date the photo was printed) directly on the back of one print (stick-on labels are not acceptable).


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